Flash Fiction First Friday is an effort to publish something small on the First Friday of every month. The goal is simply to write more and to share more, and not get completely bogged down in huge projects. These pieces can spawn from writing exercises, prompts, or just freewriting. The point is that they're low-commitment and just for fun.
I'd love to see your flash fictions pieces if you participate, too! Either use the tag #flashfictionfirstfriday or comment below with a link to your blog.
Get Ready
The music continues to play again and again. A single phrase, repeating. Get ready.
Because when the music stops, it will be time. It will be time to go, time to leave, time to die.
How many measures has it been? How many repeats? Has there been a key change? Will you have played your part? Have you kept in tune?
The tempo is slowing, the metronome winding down. Are you ready? It is almost time.
Tick, tock, almost, almost.
When the reaper comes, you will go with him whether you like it or not, so you may as well sing your solo.
Though you never liked singing, did you? Dancing? No, you spent your time listening and watching, much like the reaper himself.
How soft the violin.
Did you hear and see all you wanted? Your time is coming to a close.
Listen, the music is fading now. Fainter all the time. There is less for you to do. Your part in the play is being written out. There, the piano has stopped.
A moment of silence for you.
The reaper comes.
You do go willingly? No begging? No pleading?
That is uncommon. Maybe this one has potential…
Copyright KR Holton, 2025